
I have installed the CMS presta shop to manage my ecommerce site and it seems to work quite well but not for paypal payments.

The problem is that the dropshipper receives the email that the payment has been received, but there isn't the description of the product, therefore the dropshipper can not understand which product has been sold.

The buyer receives the invoice with the description of the products. That could be useful for the seller too, but I have not found the option to send the invoice to the dropshipper as well.

I have asked paypal but they say to ask Prestashop but nobody answers.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It would be ok either to add the description to the seller's mail or to send the invoice to the seller too, so that he can immediately understand what he has sold without entering everytime in the administration panel.

The Cms Version is, the paypal module version is 2.4.

Thank you for your help.