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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    PCDropship review - Is PCDropship.com legitimate?

    Hey everybody, I want to sell computers on ebay. I have been looking for a company to dropship them for me. I found PCDropship.com and was wondering if they are legitimate?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    United Kingdom
    I can share with you my analysis to determine legitimacy and a few experiences worth noting. Be prepared, it’s a long entry.

    First I like to check for some basic technical queries to determine if a website itself is fake and I’ll tell you what I see at PCDropship.com.

    Then I will discuss common deceptive practices by illegitimate dropshippers and if any flags are raised at PCDropship.com.

    Following are several deceptive practices on websites that will raise red flags:

    Hidden text or links – used to trick Search Engine Spiders to achieve better rankings. These can be written in the background color of the main page of the search and will not be visible to the casual visitor but will be readable by Search Engine Spiders searching for relevant keywords. The easiest way to determine if there are hidden text or links is to press Control+A on a PC to select all the text. It highlights all text and if there is hidden text it will show up. Or select all text and paste it into a document to reveal hidden text and links.

    • I do not see any hidden links or text at this PCDropship.com
    • Keyword stuffing – used again for better search engine rankings. Look for relevant keywords repeated in many different variations that also are out of context in normal sentence structure. They can also be hidden like those mentioned above.
    • I do not see any keyword stuffing at PCDropship.com
    • Copied content and PPC ads – many spam sites will be composed of scraped content from other sites used to draw users toward excessive amounts of Pay Per Click ads.
    • I do not see any copied content or PPC ads at PCDropship.com.
    • Phishing websites – these are sites aimed at collecting your personal information that often will be sold. These sites will have fields in which you are to enter name, address, telephone number, etc. in order to sign up for more information.
    • I do not see any phishing tactics at PCDropship.com

    Now in particular, to dropship service providers, there are several things to look for.

    • Available products and pricing. Legitimate dropship sites instituting best practices will discuss available products and pricing openly.
    • PCDropship.com requires that you set up an account to view their pricing. You can browse products available but not their pricing until you sign up. The site requires a £24.99 per month subscription.

    This does not necessarily mean they are illegitimate but they are making it difficult to discuss their offerings. It raises a red flag because the user is not able to see pricing before they decide to use the service. They can only look at products available and in my opinion this is not enough information to make an informed decision on whether or not to use this site.

    • Description of available products. I like to see that product descriptions are detailed and concise. If they are, the likelihood that the dropship site actually has these products available is stronger.
    • PCDropship.com gives concise and complete descriptions of all of their products.
    • Your dropship company should have a physical address and phone number available as these are needed to get a business license. PCDropship.com has both and can be seen here.

    Given all of the above criteria, PCDropship.com is legitimate. The next step would be to contact the company at their listed contact number and discuss their program with them. This is a good way to get to know them and see if what they offer is what you are looking for.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    United Kingdom
    Well thank you kindly for the keen review above. But have you ever used them?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by DealFinder56 View Post
    Well thank you kindly for the keen review above. But have you ever used them?
    I personally have not. A few associates of mine have had dealings with PCDropship.com . They were able to confirm the phone numbers worked and were able to speak with the person who runs the company. They were frustrated however with the inability to see pricing before they signed up.

    Another person signed up and it took over 4 days for the account to be signed up. The company states that it can take up to 5 days to set up a new account. Their inquiries about the status of the account seemed to go unanswered. When they finally were answered, the tone of the PCDropship.com representative was not professional and the client left discouraged.

    PCDropship.com requires proof of identification to sign up for the account and while this is customary the particular client was concerned that the company now had their personal information. It is unlikely that PCDropship.com is a phishing site however.

    It should also be noted that you must be a resident of the UK to become a member of PCDropship.com

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    United Kingdom

    I can confirm as a current customer of PC Drop Ship (PCDS) that they are indeed genuine, and UK based.

    The downside is that as someone with long term experience in the PC/Electronics market, the one thing I can say is it is hard to make a profit. But if you enjoy that particular area then go for it! :-)

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